It is mandatory to maintain a correct and polite behavior inside the Gym Studio, Spa and relax area of the House of Nine. The Management reserves the right to prohibit access to the aforementioned areas at any time.

Access to the Gym Studio, Spa and relax area is subject to acceptance and compliance of this regulation.


The Gym Studio area is available to Members for personal and guests  use only. Each member is responsible for himself and his guest and while using the equipment/machinery the Management is exempt from any type of responsibility inside the aforementioned area.

- The Gym Studio area is accessible from 08:00 to 20:00;
- The use of a towel on benches, mats, tools or wherever you lean during training is mandatory;
- It is mandatory to always put dumbbells, barbells and other tools in the dedicated areas after their usage;
- It is mandatory to remove the weights from the barbells at the end of their use;
- It is mandatory in the changing rooms to leave your bags inside the lockers and not on the floor or benches;
- Smoking is forbidden in the Gym Studio areas;
- It is forbidden to wear inappropriate clothing inside the Gym studio area or to stand bare-chested;
- It is forbidden to wear sportswear in the Members lounge area.
- It is forbidden to drag the equipment on the floor;
- Children under the age of 16 are prohibited from entering the Gym studio area unless accompanied by an adult. The management is not responsible for any accident or damage to people and/or things;
- It is forbidden to keep the lockers occupied by leaving them permanently closed with padlocks. If they are closed for more than 48 hours, the management reserves the right to open them;
- It is recommended not to leave valuables or clothing unattended inside the changing rooms. The management is not responsible for any thefts;

The Spa and relax area are available from 08:00 to 21:00. The SPA Cinema area is bookable each evening by members and there is no restriction on bookings throughout the year. There is no fixed programme and members who book the SPA Cinema in the evening will be able to choose their own films from our streaming services.

To privatize the entire SPA after 21:30 will require at least 48 hours notice, otherwise services such as the Jacuzzi, Haman, Endless Pool and Sauna close at 21:00;

- It is mandatory to wear a swimsuit to access the Spa and the Relaxation area.

- It is mandatory to wear slippers in the corridors of the structure, paying maximum attention when moving around;
- It is mandatory to shower before accessing the wellness practices;
- It is mandatory to maintain a tone of voice and demeanor suited to the environment of absolute relaxation;
- In the SPA general areas consumption of food and drink is not permitted. In the SPA Tea area and SPA Cinema our Club Menù and drinks menu is available upon request, but all produce must be consumed strictly in these areas only.
- Access to the Spa and relax area is not permitted to pregnant women and to those who have had or still have heart, blood pressure or respiratory problems, the after-effects of recent traumas, those who have undergone recent surgery, those who are affected from other relevant pathologies;
- Access to the Spa is contraindicated in cases of: heart disease, circulatory disorders, hypotension, varicose veins in the lower limbs, renal failure, ongoing menstrual cycle, candida infection, feverish states, inflammatory phenomena in general, wounds in the acute phase or in path of resolution, acute or chronic respiratory failure, alcoholic intoxication;
- Access is prohibited to people suffering from skin, infectious or contagious diseases or in the presence of wounds that have not completely healed;
- Smoking is prohibited inside the entire Spa and relax area and also the use of mobile phones is prohibited.
- It is forbidden to dive into the pools;
- The use of the appropriate sheet is mandatory;
- Access to the Spa and relax area is not permitted for anyone under the age of 16 unless under the constant supervision of an adult. The management is not responsible for any accident or damage to people and/or things;
- In case of illness, ring  the alarms located inside the Spa;
- It is mandatory to remember to always close the doors of the saunas and Turkish bath both when entering and exiting;
- The Management declines all responsibility for any theft, loss or damage to personal objects within the Spa and relaxation area;
- The Management reserves the right to remove at any time the access to the Spa in case of noncompliance of this regulamentation.